Old Smokey Products Co. (713) 227 5248  (800) 999 1923
Old Smokey Charcoal Grill Assembly,

OSCGyellowThe Old Smokey Charcoal Grill is simple to use and easy to care for. Its elegant design makes it easy to get great results everytime. You'll soon find yourself to be an expert, and everyone will want to come to your house for barbecue (get them to bring the drinks and side dishes...)

First, make sure all the parts made it

  • top half
  • bottom half
  • top grill for the food
  • bottom grate for the charcoal
  • 3 legs
  • handle (#22 has 1 top and 2 side handles)
  • top damper (#22 has 2 top dampers)
  • bottom damper
  • package of nuts and bolts
  • instruction book (you can download a copy here or just keep reading)

Tools you'll need:

  • flat-head screwdriver
  • 3/8" wrench or pliers


Start by finding and setting aside the longest 2 screws. You'll use those for the handle. If you have a #22, find & set aside the 6 longest screws because you have 3 handles to install. Find the 6 2" screws, and attach the legs using 2 screws per leg. The dampers take the 1/2" screws. The handle takes longest (2 1/2") screws. Use the lockwashers for the handle, and make sure the head of the screw is recessed in the handle.

The bottom grate sits on the lower set of leg-mount screws, and the grill sits on the top set of leg-mount screws. Easy, huh?

By now you've noticed the metal has some oil on it. That's the way the metal comes to us from the mill, and sometimes our machines get oil on the metal as well. So you'll want the first fire in the Old Smokey Charcoal Grill to be good and hot, so that oil will burn off before you start to barbecue.

We like to use a chimney-style starter for the charcoal. There's lots of ways to get the fire started - ligher fluid, fatwood sticks, electric heating elements, etc. Use your favorite and be careful.

Don't barbecue indoors, no matter how large your fireplace is. lilSmokey100

Fire is hot. Anything next to a fire, especially a fire in an Old Smokey Charcoal Barbecue Grill, will also be hot. Don't put your hand or other body parts, or parts of anyone else's body, in or near the fire or hot metal.

Pull up a chair, have a seat and barbecue! Or, get some of our long legs.

You can make the bottom grate last longer if you clean the ashes out after the grill cools. And don't let the ashes get wet, because they hold water making a paste that advances the tendency to rust.

Finally, the Old Smokey Charcoal Grill is not recommended for burning books of any kind (especially holy books) other than any book claiming that gas grills are better suited for barbecuing than charcoal grills.

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